Introducing the Bone of Soul Music…


The only disability in life is a bad attitude Jimmy

Scott Hamilton

Legendary Paul Matavire, sensational muso Fanyana Dube and renowed singer Stevie Wonder have proved that disability cannot stop any man from achieving  dreams. Stevie Wonder could have hogged all the lime light than our  own legends but Soulbone proves it will take the world by storm and create a good following across the globe. Some may wonder who are they  but well ladies and gentleman the four gentleman who gave us an intresting and well chographed video a few years back. With sexy girls that played in the background, above all with them dressed in top gear outfits that left some ladies out there wishing to see them in real live. To tell the truth the video was just magnificent.

SOULBONE soulbone : with the late Prince Tendai

In my recent visit to harare i got tempted to have an  interview with them i wanted to hear about they journey in the arts. They creativity has always struck me i had always wished to be around them but well i have never got the chance. On the very day i came face to face with them i couldnt just keep the desire i had to myself i told  them of my idea of writting a content about them journey in the arts.


Flinx Mukazi

When looking at them my heart sours,but i have been told a million times by my other heart to never feel pity. Many will take them for people who spend the day begging in the streets just like some who are physically challenged do but the two gentleman ride in a different motorcade the one which is creatively inspired. To them each morning sun gives them room to work on a musical production and as the sun sets its either they are on stage giving the world what the sweets of their talented or are pondering on their next move.


Fashion conscious thats what i can say about my brothers. They dress sense clearly sends a messsage about how serious they are in this industry. Full of love and happiness the duo is looking up at accompolishing big things the sky is the limit to them. Flinx is always ready to step in and give an opinion, Spicy B is always ready to give a lighter side. The moment he opens his mouth you know the whole room is about to gloom with laughter. He is that guy who can lift you up and is that person who is full of encouragement.

My love to chat with creative brains led me to a two hour long conversation with them. We set at the heart of Harare Gardens our background music as we wrote this was inspired by the high riding dancehall stars who were having a show a few meters from where we sat to discuss their love for music. The passion and the drive. What brought them together and how they friendship has stood for over a decade now.

Soulbone  is a   group made up of four musically talented men, Clever Mukazi, Bright Kadengu,Goodnews Nyamakawo and Christopher Joe. The group was formed at Danhiko Secondary School in 2001 with the influence being  derived from teachers as they used to sing at assembly. They first cut was in 2003 with the help of  Baba and Amai Charamba.

They journey in the ever fickle Zim music industry has been a test as they had two fight stigma of  being disabled. They continued with they work until 2009 when they got a sponsor. The late musical sensation Prince Tendai stepped in and opened doors for this dynamic and talent jammers. In turn they didn’t dissappoint they recorded their first album “it is true “indeed everything was true the good things had just started. A new tale had been written history has been recorded just like they say the rest is history.

 Their hit song Lets party a song recorded in South Africa proved to be a favourite. It got a chance to be played on Channel O ,MTV base with the video being shot in South Africa it all created a buzz and made headlines. The video made it into top outstanding songs of 2009 and went on to scoop an award at the prestigious Nama Awards(2010 ). From then own they have felt motivated and have never looked back.

“You have amazing voices  that you do not show disability hence because of this or more i want to support you”- THE LATE PRINCE TENDAI MUPFURUTSA


The dream of having their own stable and record label with a vision of owning a vast business empire with a creative sense in it stands to be their major drive. “We would like to see a Zimbabwe that appreciate the arts and Music”. Drawing inspiration from their mentor the late Prince Tendai they want to take music to dizzy heights see and hear their songs make noise on local chart shows.  Their amazing voices are just something that makes them be in a league of their own.

The dream of the late sensation still lives own. The group is currently in the studio working on their second album.  With a promise that the whole world will be at stand still.  Overcoming disability has been one test for Flinx and Spicy but the confidence and the brotherly love their have been given by Goodnews Nyamakawo and Christopher Joe.  The group wishes to be supported in their music endevour as their momentarily reached a halt after the death of Prince Tendai.

As we rapped up the article the guys couldn,t stop telling me about some of their greatest achievements starring in the soap Estate Blues,doing a collaboration with Vanessa Sibanda- Miss Tourism on  a song Zimbabwe  a land of million dancers and reminiscing about their trip to Bulawayo in 2006 for Umdala Wethu Gala which opened doors for them.

As nostlagical recollections took centre stage the two men told me of some top gear perfomances that  have remained printed in their hearts perfoming at the 21st gala in front of his Excellency and other government dignatries remains a a life achievement. Doing a song with the late Prince Tendai on the song 100% chitown boys.

Soulbone has inspired many with their creativity and talent. Above all the love of music and a passion has made them continue giving the best in the music business.

When you take music as a carrear prove to them that is really coming from within take it with all your heart -Clever Flinx Mukazi..


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