Noble Stylz (hip-hop Artist)- finally has a song about drinks! Features Trae Yung


Noble Stylez is in trouble when it comes to the measure I and other people use to review him. Noble is already a dope emcee and we cannot expect anything sloppy from the guy but I however do rank Noble Stylz vs Noble Stylz. He set an optimum standard on Masofa Panze which he consistently must maintain or beat. In the same mannerism Bolt should strive to run faster or at his record.
Noble Stylez ft Trae Yung Ma Born Free

Now that you have the measure I am using in place, let me begin to measure the effort put by Noble Stylez on Ma Born Free which featured ya’ girl Trae Yung, with no fear or favour . The collaboration is of mutual benefit and has potential to create strong fans for both artists. Bravo to that move. The song is brilliant really, from the beats to the mastering. His punchlines have been maintained. He doesn’t seem like he is going away. He actually makes punchlines with our heroes. He also is a heroe to those who believe there is an airplay chimurenga somewhere in Zimhiphop.

Comparing old Noble Stylz Masofa Panze to the new song, in terms of mastering, this one goes a rank higher. Masofa Panze was a good album which I felt had some bad compression on some songs. I am not a sound engineer myself and don’t have the perfect ear, but there are times I listen to different songs from different projects in the same playlist and there’s this one which feels like something was overdone. Definitely the song inclines itself for fair airplay and finally Noble Stylez has done a song about drinks in a way. Can you see that? This is a song about partying and drinks, like Ma drinks, nderemahara, zvibhodhoro and koovha.

After all the rants I see from the Masofa Panze family about how Few Kings and MMT have turned hip-hop into a genre about drinks, the bread-winner Noble Stylz has decided to switch up a bit and get with the program and am not saying that’s bad. That song is more a club song than anything, not every song has to be about life struggle. As long as every next single is not going to only be about parties am sure his following will still resonate. It’s of course a different type of drink song and is not really centred on drinks is it?  It’s centred on affording them.

“Ndo ka Life kema Born free, kana tinemari toshedzera drinks on me” – That’s the message in the chorus which uncovers the theme.

“This is life of born frees, when we have money we shout drinks on me.”

This is not really far from the largely criticized era of, “Pihwai ma drinks askana,” as Pihwai ma drinks is another way of saying “drinks on me”. Now I know I wont see you in our little Hip-hop facebook groups complaining about how Noble has done it too coz you will say, his situation is different. Fair enough. It’s a great record like all the others you snub but we like this individual more than the others that’s all right? Only Munetsi and Upmost drop amazing pun like Noble, so yeah this song is different.

Now for Trae Yung, I think she’s mainstream and very versatile. Sometimes I don’t understand if she’s dancehall or Hip-hop. Let me just say then she’s a great musician. She was flexible with this song and I like her contribution to this song. It made the song not sound like the typical Noble song, the chorus was already atypical of Nobles Jeri. With emcees like Noble I rank them against themselves. I remember last year Noble mentioning that it was no use featuring any rapper who sounded like him as there wouldn’t be anything special about such a song. On that principle I guess he decided featuring your girl Trae Yung was a good idea which it indeed was.

I mean when I see Trae Yung, I see votes, hustle,airplay and energy. When I see Noble I see street credibility. This is the guy that put Masvingo on the map when I personally thought the place was about “maihwe bhohwa” lol.

Noble Stylz and Trae Yung. You got away this round. Looking forward to your next. Get the song here… or stream it below.

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