Meet Chitungwiza Rap Crew,“The Sixers”: Talented, Ambitious & Hungry (Zimbabwean Hip-Hop)




I am a young dude born and raised in the small town of Chitungwiza, Unit J to be exact.  I am sure everybody who lives in Unit J has heard the word “Sixers” or seen it printed on a tee shirt being worn by some youngster somewhere along the streets of Unit J. Well if you are one of those who have wondered what Sixers is (like I used to), I wanna tell you all about the Sixers.


The Sixers is a fast rising hip-hop crew from Chitungwiza which was formed 5 years ago. It is also a record label. The crew is made up of the following dudes who grew up together and became more like family:


Wilfred “BigWill” Tavagadza – Executive Producer(also graphic designs)

Nigel “Nana” Mangoro – Manager

Takudzwa “Kayke” Majichi – Rapper

Michael “Yung Myk” Makwinja – Rapper

Takunda “Drae” Mwadzereka – Rapper

Trevor “D-Cyphr” Danga– Rapper


Yung Myk (17), Drae (16) and D-Cyphr (18) make up “070”, a group that is signed to Sixers They recently released a single called “Haunyare” which is currently doing well on the streets. The track is about “haters” which most rappers call out on their tracks and these guys are saying “Haunyare kutivenga” (Are you not ashamed of hating us?). They also talk about hustling and chasing their dreams. You can download “Haunyare” right here. When I had a chat with BigWill he was telling me that they are working on putting out a video for this track soon, yes it is really that good.  I can’t wait for the video because I liked the track. The beat was super nice and it had some really dope punch lines. Look out for the video.

IMG-20140310-WA0019The Cover Art for “Haunyare


BigWill also hinted on the future projects that we can expect from this crew. The group “070” is most likely going to release an album this year , followed by Kayke’s release in that order. For now, however, they are going to hit us with a couple of singles and judging from what they have dropped currently, I am sure they will represent Chitown quite well on the Zim Hip-Hop scene because they are hungry for success.


If you wanna stay updated on what the Sixers are up to, or you wanna put in work with these dudes, you can reach them via their Facebook page, Sixers Ambition or hit up @BigWillC6 on Twitter.


Makes me kinda proud because this rap crew is representing my home town yeah. Check out the rest of their music here.




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