Home Health


Rest, Relax and Enjoy More Beats!

Stress increases the heart rate! (fight!/flight response) A bit of stress can be good for you if it spurs you on to do things, but...

The Sugar Crisis

This past week Public Health England (PHE) launched an app which can tell parents about the sugar levels of common foods. The Sugar Smart...

HEALTHLINK with Dr Rhoda Molife

Dr Rhoda Molife BMedSci, BM BS, MRCP, MSc, MD, is a Medical Oncologist at one of the leading cancer centers in Europe, specializing in...

Who gets cancer?

Following on from the first 2 articles where we talked about how cancers develop, and the risk factors that can increase our chances of...

How do I know if it could be cancer? – Part 1

There are some changes in your body that can alert to the possibility of cancer. These changes are called symptoms and signs. All illnesses...

Rest and Relaxation

Wherever I look, I see a lot of rushing. We're running back and forth, huffing and puffing in a bid to get things done....

Cabbage in your cooking: A simple recipe

Ingredients To feed 2 4 pieces of chicken, 1 medium tomato, 1 small onion, 1 table spoon butter, chicken stock, chicken spice, 1 quarter cabbage, salt...

Tip of the week: An onion is just that, or is it?

Do you have a wound that is crippling you? Well, look no further as the answer could be right there in your kitchen basket!...

Is diabetes preventable?

Type 1 diabetes Unfortunately we can’t really prevent Type 1 diabetes as it is an autoimmune condition. Science is yet to determine how the cells...

Pumpkin Seeds and Your Health

Pumpkin Seeds and Your Health For men According to the World Cancer Research Fund International prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in the world,...
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