Alex Dube’s Paint my black heart to red… Poem


Alex Dube is young creative poet from Bulawayo and the first male to contribute poetry to this section. we don’t know if he will respond to Anna’s I Am Woman by doing I Am Man.

How do you not see it?
My heart throbbing out of my chest.
Floundering to mimic
the vibrations of its veins.
Yearning to be in unison with yours…

Open your eyes wide,
and your heart, wider.
Dance to the symphony,
my heart is pounding!
It skips a beat
moreover leaps a bit,
each time your visage paints its arteries,
in bright lurid crimson shades.

Can you not see it?
My stuttering and stammering,
as I attempt to relay my feelings to you.
How lost I get in translation,
deciphering the movement
of your luscious lips.
My clumsiness when you light up the world,
with your pearly white gems shining through!
I get lost in the Wonderland of your eyes,
brown pools of milk chocolate.
Hypnotizing and enchanting.
Inviting me in the galaxy of their splendor.

Your musky fragrance lingers on me,
food tastes better each time I picture you.
The grass becomes greener,
and the air I breathe, fresher!

Humor my fascination,
let my loneliness come to pass.
How can you not see,
That you belong with me?

by Alex Dube

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