Why I Think Radio Play Matters


There have been a lot of grievances by independent artists about not getting radio play. Independent artists in Zimbabwe accuse radio dj’s of favoritism. This to some extent has a degree of truth but some artists probably do not get airplay because they do not put out quality records. However this article explains why radio play is important for success in the industry, contrary to popular belief that social media will beat radio.

Well until many Zimbabweans have fast internet connections in households, enough to stream podcasts, internet marketing will never be as effective as radio play. In fact it has been found out that people mostly download something they know and something they can trust even if it’s free.  They obviously give first preference to artists they already hear on radio given that there are now too many links to go around these days on Hulkshare, Soundcloud and reverbnation. However since some of these many artists are bringing out wack records few people will give the chance to an unknown brand.

People would probably download that song if it featured a person they already know. Independent artists need to sit down at this point and make fruitful relations with radio people. Remember another thing is, because of the nature of radio, it will be hard for people to ignore a track on radio because they don’t have the skip button. Someone driving a car has no time to switch stations when your song begins to play. Their passengers however may like you and bump to your song. In fact the more you are played you start becoming popular because you reach wider audiences in Super Markets, public transport and restaurants. On the contrary the link in your facebook feeds may never be clicked by anyone. One well wisher may click like.

This is why radio is really important. But how can one get his stuff to radio.

How To Give Your Work To Radio

The following have worked for Navy Seal and is based on research made in stables of which artists get airplay.

  1. Produce quality records :
    Radio make revenue from advertisers w2hom they would not like to chase away. They want to broadcast quality work that will be appreciated by their audience.  When you plan to send a song to radio a homemade track you did with a headset you use for skyping is a no-no. Be prepared to invest in a good producer and quality studio. (In fact he may help you get your work to radio & you may not need the rest of these steps lol). Make sure there is no explicit content uncensored if your tongue likes such words.
  2. Package It professionally:
    Get a good graphic designer, he must not over do the effects. Do a good sleeve design and package your cd’s as if they were being sold.
  3. Include a good bio:Include a good biography with good grammar. Let it focus more on your music than it does anything. It may also include links to your works.
  4. Build Relationships:Instead of hating on those that are doing it big, strive to use twitter and facebook to make friends with the humble ones. They may be willing  to introduce you to whoever can help you with your package. Just don’t suck up to them.Get all those contacts and send your packages through. Send to many stations,one or all of them will definitely consider you if you’re as dope as you think you are.

Hope this has been a very helpful post.

Online Places You can submit to:

Have Plenty Music (Africa)  http://www.haveplentymusic.com  info@haveplentymusic.com, haveplentymusic@gmail.com

Radio KnKirwa (Zimbabwean Podcast) http://radioknk.com       radioknk@gmail.com, kunakirwa@radioknk.com


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