Zim Son’s Wearing Their Pride


We had a brief talk with Lawrence “Spekktrumn” Musudire.

Zim Son T-shirts1. Who or what is Zim Son (Origins and Etymology)

To answer the first part of your question,  Zim Son is a metaphorical term for “mwana wevhu”,  who is every son/daughter of the country.

Zim Son Clothing is a brand for the hip, trendy and patriotic youth by the Zimbabwean youth.  It was founded in February 2013 by Mr. Elton Daki (Finance Director) and myself (Creative Director). We later incorporated Mr.  Kesias Makaza as the Marketing Director

2. Where has Zim Son Been as far as achievements ? Where is it going.

Zim Son was part of the HIFA festivities.  Being worn by dancers during the opening ceremony,  also being worn by acts like Michael K and Prayersoul.

Zim Son also partnered with Jibilika Dance Trust in the just ended Jibilika Dance Festival in August,  where a lot of media coverage was present,  including representatives of ZBC and SABC.

From here the only way is up.  Zim Son is going international papa.  We have requests from as far as USA,  the UK,  Malawi,  just to name a few,  of people wanting the Zim Son merchandise.  Some of the people aren’t even Zimbabwean,  which just shows just how far the brand has reached.

For a brand that is barely a year old that’s quite a feat.

We have new concepts that we’re working on,  which I cannot disclose at this moment in time but be sure to watch this space!

3. Does Zim Son plan to influence Zimbabwe in any way? If so How?

Yes,  Zim Son plans to influence Zimbabwe,  especially the youth. Zim Son was started by guys on the *cough* better side of 30 (laughs), which shows that you are never too young to make an impact.

We also plan to influence the dressing trends. A visitor from USA should not think we’re a replica of his country because of all the NY,  LA clothing items he/she sees. It’s to restore faith in local brands.

4. Why should someone choose Zim Son over another brand?

Two words,  PROUDLY ZIMBABWEAN. It doesn’t get any better than that. Not only do you become an automatic ambassador for your country but you look good doing it too. It’s a win-win situation.

FACEBOOK: Zim Son Clothing
TWITTER: @ZimSonOfficial



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