Free Indie Music – Nowizz ft Xndr | Victory


Rehab entertainment just shocked me again, I happened to run into a conscious track by Nowizz which features Mr. Nice Bhachi. It’s off a project known as the Inspirational album and it’s a Christian Conscious song. I’m not used to hearing conscious stuff from that end; however I THINK ANOZI Xndr has been working hard. The Mau Mau track was brilliant in my view though certain sections of hip hop prefer the old Mau Mau. Xndr does have quite a library of diverse beats which I have used myself before.

Honestly though after downloading the track, i thought, “Wait this is not a sexual or party track right?”. I usually expect Rehab to be about getting “turnt up” whatever that means and taking weed, getting yellow-bone ratchets or something I wouldn’t keep. Don’t get me wrong, i bump to Zunguza, Marcques is kind of deep. i think Nowizz does not stand far off either, it’s just a matter of time before his team pushes him as hard as they do Marcques.

Nowizz promised to send me lyrics to that song yesterday but I didn’t find them in my inbox today, all the same his song was something I found joy in listening to in the morning. The chorus was done by Xndr and it was quite moving, but I think Xndr should remove this effect he puts on his vocals when he sings. I understand it maybe a trademark that characterizes his music, but I think the chorus would move me further if he reduced that knob a little bit (my opinion). Perhaps his fans would like to hear it that way.

Nowizz has good delivery, I think he is an emcee we have slept on and next year it’s time to really push his type, especially because he has a very inspiring message. Also he is not too deep for an audience that woul;d love mainstream because automatically when I say conscious, you naturally want to measure him against Synik. Nowizz is one of those guys that have made the message understandable by blondes but still inspiring. I hope you got the picture.

I wish him a prosperous 2014, I’m still waiting for those lyrics. Content is everything.  Here is tyhe track finally. Click here to go to the download page


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