Good Poem by Moreblessing Size : Love Makes The World Go Round


Love makes the world go round


Love makes the world go round they had told me

When you  looked into my eyes that Saturday my knees had literally bent in joyful weakness.

Nights became filled with long text messages and those popular laugh out loud phrases.

Your   love brought me strange sweet chaos

I had worn you  like a locket held fast around my neck

Had worn you like the only hope anchoring my belief in love

I had given you my soul ,my heart ,my hands to fragments that had felt like home

I felt dizzy with what was to come this was going to be happy ever after right?

I forgot that love has to grow

So I got frustrated and we began to break, tearing away from the new foundation we began leaving the pieces of us behind.

Shrugged you  off like a bad memory and said to myself that this is not meant to be .

Our young love torn by the commercialisation of love filled with high expectations, disappointement, mistrust, lust and the need to be always right.

We began disintegrating like a small town experiment gone wrong.

The words that had passed between us suddenly became lifeless and confused


All the promises we had made with our heartbeats became dead and lay there breathless

I pray my heart forgets the warm feel of your hands on my skin

I wait for the day when my soul does not yearn to reach out to  you on a bad day

May these thoughts of you cease to float in my dreams

I pray to forget the sparkle in your eye when you  looked at me like diamonds were found in these brown eyes .

I hope my arms forget your embrace and that 1st kiss that brought me down to my knees

I bow  down with these scrapped knees and pray that no pieces of you were left within my veins that my mind extracts the beautiful music you laugh made .

The your fingers danced lightly on my soft skin like a lonely tango beat playing slowly at midnight .My mind feels like its suffocating with your memory sometimes how sad that love grows apart .

Goodness i hope the eyes of my soul forget those beautiful eyes that planted firefilled kisses with each stare.

Its not your fault or mine that you couldn’t stay ,some things are meant just for a season

So when someone walks up to me and says love makes the world go round i  laugh out loud and show them my scars

Love makes the world go round they had told me


@Momo Size 2013 

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