Good Poem by Vimbail Lole- If I Was Your Phone


If I Was Your Phone is one of the many good poems by Vimbai Lole. she is amazing at words I assure you you will enjoy this, feel free to share this with friends and Like Our Page by clicking that link so you can get poetry, interviews and opinion on the go.

If wishing on a shooting star was real,
Or maybe that wish that was your birthday seal,
Perhaps the many requests sent while you kneel.
Only for one miracle would I kill.
Darling, if I whispered to you my will
Would you care to make a deal?
Would you consider me sane still?
Pay attention, my eyes will show you how I feel
While my lips narrate of a desire that’s absurd a lil’.

Could, should , would it please me to reduce my existance to that of a mere phone?
That loved, elegant Samsung Smartphone you own.
Listen babe, for me it could be a new dawn.
Never again would I be a pathetic spirit that’s lone.
You would hold me tenderly like a baby that is just borne.
Protect me and be jealous enough not to want near me any John.
Keep me so close, and not let go even in a no phone-zone.
The slightest scratch or sign of harm on me would make you mourn.
I would wake up on your pillow evry morn.
Am I dellusional? With desperate love has my mind gone?
I must be crazy, I see you smiling at me as you hold me as your own.
Telling of an untold love story in a soothing tone.
Gosh! The vision makes me drone.
If only I was your phone.


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