Born ‘Ratanang Shingai Stewart  Masube’ date of birth 14th of April 1989 with a father with origins from Lesotho thus the name ‘Ratanang’ comes from which means ‘love one another’ and his mother a shona from Masvingo.


D-JAH LEENX was born in the capital city ‘Harare’ staying with his parents in the large township Tafara ,he is the second born of 5 children, their father ‘Grey Beard’  is a strong ‘Rastafarian’ ,a strict vegetarian , lovers rock artist and enjoys listening to legends in this genre e.g Burning Spear, Culture , Dennis brown ,The Wailers and Bob Marley to mention a few, this man according to D- Jah Leenx inspired him into understanding what Rastafarians do and why, he played his favorite records at home from their vinyl records collection which stole the young boy’s heart , he later wrote his first song at the age of 11 which he still plans to record soon when he meets the write producer for it on his future projects as a tribute to ‘Grey Beard’ his biological father.


He grew up with dread locks long enough just under his shoulders through out his childhood while  at Takashinga Primary School in Tafara , at the age of 14 during his high school studies at Mabvuku high school doing form 2 he then decided to shave it off due to the pressure from the school authorities and curiosity on how he would be like without the Jamaican looks . In the same year the family moved to another big township Dzivarasekwa popularly known as ‘DZ’ the home of the Danger Zone Family which gave him an opportunity to mingle with ‘sylvester aka Freeman ‘ , ‘Shelton aka Magikal’ ,Sheltung of sunshine family and ‘Joel aka JayCee’ and many others , he also spent some time in the oldest township in Zimbabwe ‘Highfields’ where his grandparents resided ‘mothers’ parents’ . His style was inspired by his role model “Assasin aka Agent Sasco” , “Baby Cham aka Cham” Jamaican dancehall artists and “Jah Seed” who he respects for taking zimbabwean reggae to the world.


After completing his tertiary education D-JAH LEENX managed to meet and record a song with the Vigilance studios ‘home of Winky D’ and brother come producer ‘Layaan ‘ but the song did not make it to the streets due to some financial battles that didn’t meet his and the stables needs. This did not dampen his spirit and passion of music in 2010 during the soccer world-cup in South Africa  the young talented man decided to relocate further south ‘Cape town South Africa’ were he started a new career in the kitchen while raising funds to support his passion . December 2010 was the month he released his first single which became a hit and controversial anthem in local clubs “Me No Want”. The “me no want” hit maker  got so much support from his family and friends and it pushed him to making over 20 singles officially  released and a video from the hit single “don’t play with my love” from his up coming debut album still to be titled which will feature his tracks in “English Patio ” and some in “Shona” , he worked with talented artists like CoryJnr, Jean Julliet , Rowlene , Martam , Nina and many more gifted producers from all levels of music as far as quality is concerned .


Not yet attached to any recording stable D-Jah Leenx wishes to work with the best and be able to entertain Africa and beyond .

Available on




Sa contacts :0616332753



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