Tee Cee hip hop gospel

Tee Cee is a hip hop gospel artist aged 22 born on the 13th of April 1992 and grew up as a musician. He grew up in a family inspired by music. Tee Cee started as a circular musician under a hip hop group named Fabcom and decided to turn to gospel due to his passion of changing lives in preachings through his music. Tee Cee is currently studying at Midlands State University (MSU) in Gweru doing his honors degree in peace studies. Tee Cee’s contact details on facebook Simon Chitifa,whatsapp 0735420870
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In january 2014 Tee Cee launched an album My Genesis which attracted many denominations in Zimbabwe and also the UK Zimbabwe community with high levels of praises. Though the gospel hip hop music genre hasn’t been identified in Zimbabwe as most of the people only noticed hip hop art
Hip hop prominent artists like Mudiwa Ndaita Mari Hood who has frequently dropped a number of remarkable songs lately but Tee Cee as young as he is he’s aspired to be dropping many songs again except from My Genesis, Dai asiri jesu, Divine speed, your name is jehovah, my famous prayer and The blood of jesus on his album (My Genesis) .After his robust entry with an album Tee Cee proceeded to drop single hits like Najesu Zvabhadhara, Vavengi vangu, Everting Na Be fyno and vana Pharaoah. During our interview with Tee Cee he exclaimed yet another bang called “Mufana Ane Chiroto”, best places he performed include the I.O.C, Kwekwe theatre Gweru theater Harare gardens and many other places. On his interview he also mentioned about the unacceptable actions by many people who don’t understand what gospel hip hop really is, this challenge has a negative impact on the music industry of Zimbabwe specifically the gospel genre. Unlike Zim Dancehall gospel is at a stagnant point but Tee Cee is optimistic about the future of both his music and his genre. He hopes to revive his influence by the features he is expecting this year.


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