Let’s Vote For Enqore (@theqore) – To Make It To Top 5 African Innovators


Nqobizitha “Enqore” Mlilo is a self taught 3D- animator , webdesignerand visual effects expert, who has produced over 44 music videos to date and is working on an animated full length movie called Tanganyika. This year he has raised the Zimbabwean flag high by being listed in top  ten of what Google calls African Innovators. He has the opportunity to get $25,000 to improve his venture if he  makes it to the top 5.

He can make it there if wevote for him in our large numbers. We are going to vote because he deserves it. Make your way to this page to cast your vote. Some browsers may not show the vote button, try switching browsers like i did, but I had a great voting experience. Follow @theqore on twitter for quick updates. Zimlink will be giving more updates on this.


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