Meet The Aura Around Nqobizitha Mlilo’s Success


A month ago I had a chance to speak to Aura The Poet, creative director at Nafuna Tv, mother, role model and wife to Nqobizitha “Enqore” Mlilo. As you may already know her husband was nominated amongst top 10 Google innovators and we did a previous post (read it here) asking for your votes. We are sure you voted in your numbers and this is not a promotional article of any sort, but if you did not know about this or did not vote please do so by visiting this link (before 7 March 2013) and come back to this story later.  If you’re still reading beyond my last sentence, I hope you have that link open in the next tab or you already voted.

Today we’d like to hear more about the woman behind the man Enqore and Nafuna Tv.

Aura if you must know is a very multitalented woman and she stands out in poetry. She has inspired many artists through her eloquent spoken word poetry. She also has been a radio personality, has presented adverts and shows. So you must understand that as an individual she already has an Aura of greatness surrounding her though the forcefield was multiplied when she became one with another creative.

Mcpotar – May you tell us what the term Spoken Word Poetry means to you.

Aura – “Spoken Word Poetry” to me is just another definition of performance poetry.

Mcpotar  –When did you realize you had a gifting in the arts and where does your greatest passion lie?

Aura – Since I was in pre-school I’ve always found joy on the stage. From acting to dancing to poetry and now singing. For the longest time though, my passion has been acting.

Mcpotar –What subject matters are the heart of your work?

Aura – I don’t really have a core subject matter. I write about whatever moves me at the time.

Mcpotar– What role do you play at Nafuna Tv?

Aura – I’m a creative director and I’m an anchor on The Nafuna Show.

Mcpotar  –How is it being a new mother? If your baby grows up what’s the one thing you want them to know about the world?

Aura – Becoming a mother is the greatest thing that could have happened to me. I love my daughter and I would want her to know the world doesn’t care about her happiness. She must work hard and make a good name for herself and seek God first before everything.

Mcpotar – If you ever retire from the hard work you do, where on Earth would you like to spend the rest of your life?

Aura – I’d like to spend it in the presence of family, wherever my husband and kid(s) will be is where my heart will be.


Please go out and vote, invite people to vote for Nqobizitha Mlilo by clicking this link. We’ll hook you up with  Aura Videos next week.


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