T Krued Doing Good In Video Production


He has been known to be one of the best sound engineers hip-hop can provide in the country, but no one expected he would venture into video productioon. i personally didn’t take him seriously when i heard he was investing in that area years ago, he did a video with Nqobizitha Mlilo ” Enqore” for My life (featuring Lady Thug). the video was impressive, but because of the effects and lens flares that brand most videos by Enqore (who is a veteran) my credit still went to Enqore.

It became apparent to me that Krued was serious when he did street child for Orthodox Six. I believe the video was done some time last year, it had direction and quality picture. It was then that I began to believe the big guy was onto something. I enquired his rates and they were quite reasonable. This was good for Bulawayo. Andy Cutta on the other hand is bringing heat for the city but today we are talking about king Krued.  I admire his sense of business because the industry is growing bigger. there was a time when recording with adobe audition in a room was good enough, the level then switched to going to a proper studio, the level switched to doing an alley video… now the era of doing quality videos has arrived. The number of quality videos that have been done this year is amazing.

I watched Krued’s production for where I’m from and Tswarelo’s Jam Therapy. His ideas are natural, no special effects or pasted Hummers. The concepts make the story tell itself.  this may mean Krued is diving ito big money because soon every artist he records may buy a full package with the video. secondly his brand will now be able to reach wider audiences. i saw this gradually happen with Andy cutta after P.OY’s mMabhomba.

Finally  let me just embed the videos i want you to see…. Keep Calm And like Our page

Jam Music Therayhttp://youtu.be/uhadXoMokx4

Artists: A Scribe Called Tswa & V.U.K.I
Song: Jam (Music Therapy)
Lyrics: Tswarelo Mothobe, Sivukile Sibanda
Music: Tswarelo Mothobe
Directors: Tswarelo Mothobe & Tawanda Mauchaza (King Krued)
Project: Movement E

Orthodox Six – Where I’m From – http://youtu.be/vR7_ONjSehs

Another Classic video from Orthodox Six aka King of Kingsville spitting Reality Raps.
Video shot and directed by King Krued from Mic-A-Blaze studios.
Orthodox : +263772618716
King Krued : +263773285323




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