Premier of The Civil Servant in Pictures.


A play written and Directed by Thabani H Moyo was officially premiered on Thursday 27 March at Amakhosi Theatre. During the annual Inxusa Festival which has been on sabbastical for the past 15years . The production was perfomed by Bambelela Arts Ensemble which is one of Zimbabwea’s only surviving theatre groups. The piece stars Leonard Phiri, Josphat Ndlovu, Bongelani Ncube and Prosper Sibanda.

The Civil Servant tells a narrative of Elton who  is faced with imminent retirement from public service he comes to realize the truth that he has failed to achieve his dream. He becomes paranoid and irritable. All he can show for his 37years of service are invalid insurance policies. What also compound the situation are his sons’ failure to make a mark in life. Elton dreads the back coming of the Zimbabwe dollar. He fears that his retirement package might become in the form of a ‘Dead currency’. To save himself from this predicament and in the process do his failed sons a favour, Elton decides to commit suicide so that his sons can get his package in the US$. Maybe that what happens when a man doesn’t have grip with the forces of life.

About the Writer
T. H. Moyo is not a new comer in the arts circles, he is an educationist and teache  thetre at Eveline High School. The renowned playwright has to date penned plays like The Immigrants which showcased at Intwasa 2013 and Hifa in 2013, done an adaptation of Umbiko kaMadlenya into a stage play.

official team

Bambelela Arts Ensemble after rehersal…

The Premier of the play in pictures …


bonge and ndlovu

bongelani        donna nad joze

weird  wife


A wonderful play i certainly hope to see it get to dizzy heights said one student from a local university after watching the show.


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