Are You Educated Or Are You Informed by Leonard Chimanga


Many at times we boast about how educated we are, how connected to the global network we are and how we have the same gadgets “they” (western countries) have.  Most of the people i know probably own a laptop, tablet or smart phone yet they still don’t know just how to do simple things such as configuring an email account. I’m not talking on the basis 1079347_10201618007548973_1904106938_nthat I’m a final year engineering student and have a little insight into these areas but as an analyst siting areas that many neglect but are significant in today’s dynamic world. A lot of children ,adults and so called intellectual gurus have amassed large extensive hours of education but are still uninformed of what is happening in the world around them.

This article serves not to persecute the learned but rather to show that education does not mean anything when they cannot apply the same principles they learnt and do not seize the opportunities available to them.  I believe its about time people seized the vast amount of information and resources available to them, and seek more to enhance the basic skills education equips them with. Today as i was working on a project , a friend taught me how to search for Journals specific to the subject i was looking into and once i did that i was wowed by just how much extra information i could get online. That then got me thinking that this could overally turn into an “inform a friend” drive that could in the end see more people being informed rather than them sitting on void education concepts. Below are a list o things i hand picked that as an individual or grouping people could sit down to seek more information about

  • Money and personal finance management
  • The power/potential of devices we use everyday- your phone.tablet,laptop
  • The internet and how we can harness its information and networks to achieve our goals
  • The need to be specific in our dreams and aspirations (don’t dream to be rich, instead dream to be 50 million dollar rich and strategise how to get there)
  • How to develop goals, targets and objectives
  • How to take control of your life and the activities that occur in it ( this is a very important lesson which i hope will transform a lot of lives)

I will over the next few weeks look at each issue in depth and I’m open to your views comments and suggestions.

For a first time writer I’m sure this should be enough for my first article. Ill briefly introduce myself as Leonard, a final year Industrial engineering student at NUST (Zimbabwe), 23 years of age and an aspiring entrepreneur and philanthropist. If you have any additions and comments about any topics raised in this article or what could have been added or subtracted please email them to or app me on +263 77 3 260 458.

By Leonard “El hefe” Chimaga


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