Project Zimlink

project zimlink
zimlink project



-Project ZIMLINK –


building links between Britain Zimbabwe & the world   

4 months -20 countries – 6,147 miles


project Zimlink

Project Zimlink  Zimbabwe, to open a free exchange of knowledge and

information, throughout communities, in the UK and Zimbabwe. Using media

 training, by providing tools; cameras and laptops to enable people to

communicate their stories ideas and create opportunities

both business and social.


traveling along the east coast of Africa, from London to Harare linking up with communities TV radio and embassy’s on route. Then meeting to zimlink team in Zimbabwe. Promoting Zimbabwe zimlink and the

sponsored organizations on route by providing a video dairy too credit sponsors in each country we move through, using images and video. Teaching, learning and creating links.

In Zimbabwe Zimlink will travel to 5 cities;


Zimlink aims to work with schools, villages, orphanages/hostels.

Collecting the voices of the peoples of Zimbabwe, Zimlink will document the journey to create a better insight into Zimbabwe and the host of culture, life stories and art Zimbabwe has to offer the world. In return the Zimlink team will aim to provide laptops, camera equipment and training, amongst other items. Build connections, links for a better understanding and  share in the wealth of knowledge our cultures have to offer.


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